Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 is nearing an end.

So, Christmas is over for another year. It came and went pretty quickly. It wasn't chaotic, really. We got some really nice things from family. My father in law and his wife sent us some nice things for the baby. We also got a really nice canvas photo of the Big Ben (they are stationed in England). Michael got a cheese and meat kit from his uncle Craig. We've definitely been munching on all of it. Anybody who sends food for a gift is a great uncle/friend lol. My secret santa sent me a 5 pack of receiving blankets for the baby and the thermometer I was wanting as well. It is universal. It has three attachments. One for underarm, oral, and well.. the one place nobody likes having their temperature taken lol. Michael's mom gave me some money for my birthday and some for Michael for Christmas. We are going out tomorrow to do some shopping. Michael's grandma and grandpa Wind sent me me a bath and body works set. And some home made goodies, which I ate in just about one sitting lol. food is really the way to my heart, especially whilst pregnant. Michael took me out on my birthday to Applebees. It was delicious. He also got me a beautiful jewelry box and a beautiful card to go along with it. Gizmo had a prety good Christmas too. He got a cute little stocking from my mom. It is shaped like a bone and has a place on the front where you can insert a picture, which we did. He got three toys from 'Santa Paws', and was definitely pleased with them. He wears himself out playing. He tries so hard to play with all three at the same time. My little multi-tasker. We all had a wonderful Christmas.

We had a guy from Michael's shop over for Christmas dinner. Michael helped so much the night before and Christmas day, bless his heart. The night before we made cheese balls, which turned out fabulous. I think Michael was pretty pleased about his cheese ball. We made one with pecans coating the outside, and he made his own, without. Both was so good. The next morning, I woke up at about 8, and made the brownies. I sprinkled powdered sugar over top of them to make them a little more "Christmasy". For dinner, I made Home made baked mac and cheese, ham, mashed potatoes, and yeast rolls. Everything turned out so well. We all hung out, ate, and watched a Myth Busters marathon. Neither of them seemed too adamant about watching Christmas movies lol. Oh well, I guess.

Also, Michael's grandpa Gribble suffered a heart attack last week, but thankfully he is okay. He was home just in time for Christmas. We love you guys! Get well soon.

I am now in my third and FINAL trimester. Some say between 26 and 28 weeks, but I'll say 27. It's in the middle, so it's perfect lol. I seem to get bigger everyday. I also believe the baby is head down now, which is where I am hoping she stays.

On the symptoms front: I have been having braxton hicks contractions just about everyday. I was getting 4 or 5 in one day. Which is normal, but that doesn't mean they are comfortable! My fatigue seems to be getting worse as well. I really haven't been too tired my whole pregnancy. I didn't experience fatigue in the beginning of my pregnancy like most women do. So, I guess I'm making up for it now. I have been experiencing a lot of heart palpitations the last few days. I know this can be normal for pregnant women, but with my anxieties, I definitely will be talking with my OB about it. Maybe an EKG wouldn't be a bad idea. I'd rather not chance anything. And last, but not least; SWELLING! My hands and feet have been swelling more than they ever really have. I drink plenty of water, so there isn't much more I can do. I pray these aren't the early staged of preeclampsia, because I am still having headaches and nausea. That too is worth mentioning when I see the doctor next Monday. I have my gestational diabetes test that day as well. I hope I pass.

Well, suppose I should get going. I'm going to eat what's left of the mashed potatoes and head to bed soon. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy new year.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Tis the season to be jolly

So much has been going on the last two weeks. Lot's of sadness in the family. It's just hard to be "jolly" when there are so many people around you hurting. It puts me in a depressed state of mind. I REALLY hope 2010 brings new beginnings for all of us.

Anyways, so updates on me; nothing new really. I have been super tired since 24 weeks. I recently started experiencing Braxton hicks contractions. I know they had probably been happening before, but I can actually feel them now. Some aren't that bad, others can be quite uncomfortable. It feels like.. when you eat too much and you get a stomach ache. You can feel your stomach tighten. That part is pretty neat, but the discomfort.. not so much.

So, we are getting ready for Christmas. I'm making a Sara Lee Ham, Home baked macaroni and cheese, and Mashed potatoes. I am making a cheese ball.. well log on Christmas eve. My first ever. I got the recipe from a family member. That will be to munch on on Christmas day. For dessert, I'm making brownies. It's tough to make something sweet that Michael actually likes. So, I'm making the chocolate chunk kind and sprinkling powdered sugar over them. Hoping it turns out how I want.

Well, that's about it for now. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Doctor update

We had our monthly appointment on Monday. I guess I forgot to update on that. It wasn't all the interesting honestly. In fact, I felt rushed. Which I don't like. I really don't care if they were busy, this was MY appointment. Michael didn't go in with me because he was still pretty sore from having his wisdom teeth removed. So, he stayed in the car. While I have sympathy for him, it still kind of made me mad he didn't feel like coming in. Then again, I've never had my wisdom teeth removed.

The doctor and I discussed a birth plan. While I know it is not legally binding, there is no reason they can't follow it if there is nothing preventing them from doing so. Plus, it's not like I'm asking for anything outrageous. I am just trying to make this as personal as possible. I believe the labor and birthing experience should be as personal and relaxing as possible. And yes, we plan on going "au naturale" No pain medication. Using natural pain management such as: Breathing techniques, massage, and a birthing ball.

I know I WILL WANT drugs throughout the proccess, it will ultimately be my will power that determines this. No, I have no problem with getting the drugs really. I know it can be benifcial for some. I just want to try doing things naturally at first. Women have been having babies for centuries without pain meds. I'm also not knocking women who do this. It's a personal decision.

We are not able to attend a Lamaze class. So, I found a DVD called, 'Laugh and Learn About Childbirth". It is probably the top selling Lamaze DVD out there. I got to see the first half for free and the woman who instructs it, really makes it fun to learn. She is funny too. She covers all aspects, including C-sections. I plan on buying the birthing ball sometime soon. For those of you who are pregnant, I really reccomend you check out the website, The DVd is 40 dollars, but we found it on Amazon for 14.95 brand new! So, be sure to do your research before you pay full price. It is a 4 hour long DVD.

I would be pretty heartbroken if I couldn't give birth naturally. If I had to have a c-section, fine, I know no matter how she comes into the world, I will love her just the same, but I really hope to give birth the way god intended lol. I mean thank god for c-sections, but I believe it takes away from the birthing experience. Some women actually prefer to have a c-section. WHY?! They cut through muscle and it is nearly impossible to get that tight again. Who want's saggy skin? Plus, it's surgery, and anything could happen. Don't get me started..
Oh, P.S. My morning sickness is back! BLEH!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Holidays

I have needed to update for quite some time now. I've just been too lazy I guess. We really enjoyed our Thanksgiving in Georgia. I definitely bonded well with everybody. Their hospitality was very genuine and they made Michael and I feel right at home. I look forward to visiting with them again.

Lets see.. I'm now 24 weeks and 5 days. The baby kicks me almost all the time, and a couple nights ago, right before Michael and I went to sleep, he got to feel the baby kick for the first time! I was so happy. Then, she didn't want to stop lol. Silly already.

Michael and I are staying home for Christmas. We are inviting one of his friends from work to spend Christmas Day with us. Nobody should be alone for the holidays. Plus, it gives me a reason to prepare a huge meal.

My birthday is also coming up. The 23rd of December to be exact. Which would make it about two weeks away. This year has gone by so quickly. In a lot of ways I'm glad, because I think this year has been one of the worst. I've gone through so much this year. Excluding the miracle of this pregnancy, because it is indeed a miracle, but it's just been a hell of a year.

Gizmo has recently been sick. He was hospitalized for a day, due to Pancreatitis. He had been real lethargic for a couple days. He wasn't eating one of those days; at all. He would barely drink any water, and had a small bout of diarrhea in the house. A couple days later he was throwing up and I said this is the last straw, something is wrong. Thankfully we have a vet clinic right across the street. So, I took him over there. I never anticipated he would be as sick as his diagnosis. I thought maybe it was just a viral thing, but he was very sick. We caught it early enough to get him better though. He is now on a prescription diet and just took his last bit of medication today. He seems a lot better, which is wonderful. It costed us over 300 dollars to get him better. It was worth it. He will now be a low fat diet for the rest of his life. He isn't happy about this, but as long as he is healthy that is all that matters.

Anyway, I should get going. Here is a picture of our Christmas tree. It is half lit. We can't seem to find the bulb that is out. When we actually have money we will get a fuse finder. Until then it's a half lit tree. Which isn't so bad. Happy holidays all.

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