Well, I should get going. I've added a 22 week photo. I hope everybody has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving! Take care.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Finally updating
Well, I should get going. I've added a 22 week photo. I hope everybody has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving! Take care.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
First outfit
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Veterans Day
So, my day wasn't very productive, but I had better enjoy it, because soon they will be filled with dirty diapers, feedings, and being woke up at 3 in the morning lol.
Michael got the day off, which was nice. We really didn't do anything, but lounge around, but it was still nice. He worked on the computer today, doing I don't know what, but it has become a big project; one of his many.
Anywho, This wasn't the most exciting entry ever, but that's okay. Hope you all have a good one.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
20 week ultrasound
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Hello all, it still feels a day ahead to me. I'll just have to get used to these three day weekends.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The weekend
It feels like Saturday to me. Hubby gets every other Friday off now, so I think that must be why it feels a day ahead. We are having a James Bond-a-thon this evening. I'm not a fanatic, I just like being able to spend time with my husband. They are good movies though.
Gizmo kept putting his toy/teeth cleaner in Michaels shoe to prop it up so he could chew on it. He is smart, I swear. My husband didn't like it though. He is afraid he will chew on his shoes instead, so he took away the shoes, which didn't set will with Gizmo. He also like to get in my husbands Gym bag. It's really big so I can see why. We call it Geemo Cave. Geemo is one of his many nick names by the way. Anyways, Michael doesn't like him in the bag either, so he zips it closed so he won't get in it. I personally don't stop him because I think it's cute lol.
I'm sure you all have heard about the Ft. Hood shooting. It definitely affected me, not just because I'm a military wife, but because I'm an American and this man turned against his fellow soldiers. I will not go to into this because it's almost impossible to get me to stop ranting about things like this, but my heart and prayers go out to the people personally affected by this tragedy.
Something else happend to a close family friend. Her niece was killed Yesterday. They are investigating it as a murder, which is sad because her granddaughter was also brutally murdered a couple years ago. My heart breaks for her. She has gone through so much.
Anyways, I suppose I should get going. Watching Bond and relaxing. Ciao!